Our last campaign ride was held on Saturday 14th July back in 2014.
Whilst it was a real a success, with over 250 cyclist’s joining ‘The Big Bike ride’, we have since focused our efforts on negotiating with landowners and building support for our petition through social media.
Supporters of previous campaign rides have included many parents and children from across the area, plus Members of The Green Bike, Totnes on the Move and MP Sarah Wollaston.
Here is what we wrote at the time…
The Big Bike Ride 2014
We were fortunate to have fantastic weather and the event ran smoothly from start to finish.
Press met the crowds at the park, where many walkers also came to show their support for the campaign.
Campaign organisers and Sarah Wollaston spoke over the mega phone, thanking people for joining the cause and sent a message of hope that our actions will make positive change.
So, fingers crossed, we’ll see the cycle path from Totnes to Newton Abbot being developed in the very near future. Lets stop Totnes being bypassed by the wonderful National Cycle Network.
Thanks to all of you that supported the event.