Route 4, 4a, 4b, 4c

West Bank of the River Dart and New Bridge over River Dart and South Devon Railway Bridge

This map shows Route 4, to view Route 4a, 4b and 4c view the Feasibility Study Maps

Route 4a Estimated Cost
New path 0.90km 170501
Seal existing unbound @£10/m2 0.33km 9900
Land 20512
Design DCC 78500
Design NPS 3517
Total path £282,930
Structure 826000
Struct. Design/Manage @ 10% 82600
Total Stuctures £908,600
Total 4a including 20% Contingencies/Optimism Bias £1,429,836

Route 4b Estimated Cost
New path 1.30km 246279
Seal existing unbound @£10/m2 0.33km 9900
Land 29628
Design DCC 78500
Design NPS 3517
Total £367,824
Structure 794000
Struct. Design/Manage @ 10% 79400
Total Stuctures £873400
Total 4b including 20% Contingencies/Optimism Bias £1,489,469

Route 4c Estimated Cost
New path 0.67 km 126929
Seal existing unbound @£10/m2 0.33km 9900
Land 15270
Design DCC 78500
Design NPS 3517
Total path £234,116
Structure 826000
Struct. Design/Manage @ 10% 82600
Total Stuctures £908600
Total 4c including 20% Contingencies/Optimism Bias £ 1,371,259

These are grouped together as share a common route until the River Dart crossing.
The routes leave Totnes using the existing riverside path along the west side of the Dart then it joins the driveway into the Dartington College property, a slight climb then turn off to follow an existing permissive path which extends to Staverton through pasture alongside the Dart.

4, 4a, and 4b diverge at various potential crossings of the Dart. The final selection of a 4”x” route will depend on the viability of bridge options here and also on the possibility of creating a path of acceptable gradient to climb out of the Dart Valley.

Works Required
Sealing the existing Totnes riverside path. A new path between the Dartington Drive and the river/railway crossing. A bridge over the River Dart and South Devon Railway. Depending on the preferred “4” option an oblique or zig zag path climbing from the river to join the existing highway or SWW access lane.

Land will be required on west and east sides of the River Dart.

Environmental Effects
Adverse ecological effects will be minimal on the route of the riverside section through the pasture on the west side of the Dart. If new path is constructed on the eastern side an area of woodland will be affected.

The three route variations are reasonably direct and well connected to the existing cycle network in Totnes, schools, colleges, hospital, railway and town centre shops, however once across the River Dart uses have a severe climb to overcome to get out of the valley.

The route alongside the river is already a permissive path well used by walkers and is very pleasant. It is unlikely that significant numbers would use the new river bridge because of the steepness on the eastern side, preferring to continue on the level route towards Staverton. If it was possible to create a new woodland walk with gentler gradients some would make use of it. A surfaced riverside path would be accessible to disabled users however they are unlikely to want to climb the hill or use the narrow lanes to travel on to Littlehempston. Pay and display parking is available near the start in Totnes.

The safety of the “4” routes is acceptable for all groups with the proviso that younger children would need careful supervision on Dartington driveway section. Those with smaller children may only wish to use the traffic free section of the route as an “out and back” ride so might turn back at the river bridge.

Unintended Consequences
The creation of a new hard surfaced path might be considered a detrimental to the valley and there could be opposition from current users who are happy with the existing walk through the meadows. By encouraging cyclists into the valley it is possible that a proportion may be tempted to trespass, continuing along the riverside permissive footpath rather than crossing the bridge.

Option 4c, Through Dartington Campus

This alternative is similar to the other “4s” except for a detour into the buildings of the College. General comments are as for 4, 4a, 4b except that attractiveness is reduced because of extra climbing, loss of the attractive walk along the river and there may be security issues in encouraging the public onto the campus. Usability by the disabled is reduced.

The extended use of the vehicular drive into the Dartington campus potentially decreases the safety of this option, (or at least the perception of safety to users), compared to the other “4s”

Unintended Consequence
Cyclists and walkers will continue to use the existing unimproved riverside route to avoid the climbing detour through the campus.

Route Comparison
Route 4. 4a. 4b. Start following an established and well used path/cycle path and continue on a popular level riverside permissive path. The necessary bridge crossing the Dart and South Devon railway will be expensive and path users will be confronted by a steep climb out of the Dart Valley which will be a barrier to many. Those pleasure/leisure users without a good reason to go to Littlehempston are likely to continue on the river path towards Staverton. Whilst the improvement of the riverside path might be good value for money the high cost of bridging river and railway is unlikely to be justified by a high level of use.

Route 4c. As other “4s” except that the route climbs up for a loop around the
Dartington College buildings instead of improving the riverside path is. This
has little merit as those wishing to visit Dartington can already do so and this
alternative adds to the amount of climbing unnecessarily.

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